Health Awareness

SD61 Cold and Flu Season Reminders

Dear families,

We have reached that time of the year again! It is cold and flu season. As students return to classrooms for the new school year, as the leaves start to turn and the temperature drops, the tissues and sneezes begin to appear. Additionally, with COVID-19 circulating within our community, it is important to take extra precautions.

Please remind your child of the following important habits:

  • Make sure to wash hands frequently.
  • Avoid touching face, mouth, or eyes.
  • Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing by leaning into your elbow or using a disposable tissue.
    Quickly throw away any used tissues and wash or sanitize your hands after.
  • Respect the personal space bubbles of other students.
  • Stay home when sick!

Please monitor your children daily for any cold or flu-like symptoms. In accordance with the Public Health Guidelines, students and staff are asked to stay home when sick or displaying any symptoms of sickness. If students develop symptoms throughout the day while they are at school, they will be reminded to use tissues or lean into their elbow to cover their coughs and sneezes. If required, an office staff member will contact you to arrange a pickup of your sick child. These protocols are in place to lower the risk of transmission of communicable disease and to keep our students and staff safe and healthy.

For more information on the health and safety protocols implemented in our schools go to: Provincial Communicable Disease Guidelines for K-12 Settings